- 4 Finance
- 2 Marketing, Consumer Behaviour
- 2 Operations Management, Business F...
- 1 Human Resource Management, Perfor...
- 1 Industrial Relations & Labour Law
- 1 Information Technology, Data Visu...
- 1 Marketing, Digital Marketing and ...
- 1 Marketing, Sales Management & Bus...
- 1 Marketing, Services Marketing
- 1 Marketing, Social Media and Mobile
- next >
Date issued
- 19 2020
Collections in this community
Business Forecasting OM401
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Business Forecasting OM401
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Consumer Behaviour MKT401
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Corporate Valuation FIN501
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Digital Marketing and Ecommerce MKT402
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Equity Research FIN504
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Financial Market & Institutions Financial Systems and Services MFIN403
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Industrial Relations & Labour Law
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Investment Management Main FIN504
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Logistic Management OM402
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Marketing on Internet Social Media and Mobile MKT403
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Performance Management System HR402
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Predictive Analytics BA402
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Quality Management OM4030
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Sales Management & Business Development MKT404
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Services Marketing MKT407
Term IV End Term 2020-21
Supply Chain Management OM4040
Term IV End Term 2020-21