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Showing results 2305 to 2324 of 2456 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014An Uncommon lifeAhmad, Moid U
2019Understanding Customers Journey Mapping in the Context of Travel and TourismDey, Banasree
2020Understanding Factors Affecting Receptivity Towards Adopting Electronic Marketplace: A Merchant PerspectiveMisra, Richa; Mahajan, Renuka; Singh, Nidhi
Jun-2020Understanding Organizational Barriers To A More Inclusive WorkplaceMcKinsey
Feb-2017Understanding real estate as an investment classKanoria, Samvit; Muzaffar, Hasan
Feb-2017Understanding Real Estate as an Investment ClassKanoria, Samvit; Muzaffar, Hasan
2019Understanding Technology Readiness and User's Perceived Satisfaction with Mobile Wallets Services in IndiaSingh, Nidhi
2019Understanding the Connect between Digitalisation, Sustainability and Performance of an OrganisationAhmad, Moid U
2017Understanding the Role of Demographic Diversity on Mentoring and Job Satisfaction: A Study on Managers in Information Technology (IT) Industry in IndiaSrivastava, Shalini
2017Understanding the Role of Store Image in Influencing Customer-based Brand Equity and Its Dimensions in Indian Sportswear IndustrySharma, Rajesh
2017Understanding the Roles of Organizational Identification, Trust and Corporate Ethical Values in Employee Engagement-Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Relationship: A Study on Indian ManagersSrivastava, Shalini
Jul-2020The Unexpected Trip: The Future of Mobility in India Beyond COVID-19McKinsey
2021Unintended consequences, unexpected benefits:The Economist Intelligence
Apr-2023Uniquely Austin: Stewarding growth in America’s boomtownKolter, Paul; Smith, Steven; Hachtman, Chris
Aug-2020Unlocking business acceleration in a hybrid cloud worldCam, Arif; Donchak, Lisa; Rohrlich, Jordan; Thakur, Chaitali
Jun-2020Unlocking Enterprise Efficiencies Through Zero-Based DesignMcKinsey
2021Unlocking Technology Adoption for a Robust Food Supply Chain Evidence from Indian Food Processing SectorJain, Vranda; Tewari, Tavishi
Oct-2019Unlocking the Full Power of Automation in Industrialsde Jong, Eelco; Lalla-Sewgoolam, Bhavna; Vainberg, Gregory
May-2016Unlocking the Potential of Frontline Managers in Global HealthGhatak, Arnab; Gupta, Srishti; Sun, Ying
Dec-2016Unlocking the Power of Data in SalesAtkins, Charles; Uster, Maria Valdivieso de; Mahdavian, Mitra; Yee, Lareina