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Showing results 905 to 924 of 2313 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Sep-2009i+MED Laboratories: Expanding Beyond ThailandJeng, Jennifer; Rieber, Laura; Shewakramani, Gautam
2020ICRA analysis on Government of india Union Budget 2020-2021ICRA
Jul-2021Igniting your next growth businessBradley, Chris; Doherty, Rebecca; Koivuniemi, Anna; Northcote, Nicholas
2006The Ignored ClassRajesh, V.
Nov-2005Im Parental PositionsVenkata Ratnam, C S
2020Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Talent AcquisitionSingh, Rahul
2020Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Narcissism-Satisfaction with Life Relationship: A Study on Indian ManagersSrivastava, Shalini
2019Impact of Personality Variables on Employee Engagement-Turnover Intentions Relationship: A Study on Indian ManagersSrivastava, Shalini
Apr-2015The impact of regulationKemna, Angelien
2022Impact of Workplace Spirituality on Employee Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Organizational PoliticsGupta, Pragya
2022Implications for Sustainable Healthcare Operations in Embracing Telemedicine Services During a PandemicChauhan, Ankur
Jun-2017Improving Construction ProductivityBarbosa, Filipe; Mischke, Jan; Parsons, Matthew
Jul-2020Improving Productivity In A Disrupted Landscape: How To Transform Latin American BankingMcKinsey
Jul-2016Improving Semiconductor R&DBatra, Gaurav; Jacobson, Zach; Santhanam, Nick
Mar-2019Improving The Management of Complex Business PartnershipsMcKinsey
Jan-2006In a SoupMuncherji, Nina
2005In Word & SpiritShrimali, C P
2016Inclusive Business Models: The Success Mantra for Healthcare Leadership at the Bottom of PyramidSingh, Deepak; Sharma, Durgansh
2004Incomplete SolutionsPuri, Dinesh
Oct-2016Independent-Work-Choice-necessity-and-the-gig-economyManyika, James; Lund, Susan; Bughin, Jacques; Robinson, Kelsey; Mischke, Jan; Mahajan, Deepa