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Showing results 592 to 611 of 2456 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2021E- Commerce OM401 (Reappear) 2021Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
2017E-CommerceJaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Jan-2024E-CommerceJaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
2016E-Commerce (IS403)Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
2016E-Commerce (IS403)Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
2016E-Commerce (IS403)Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Aug-2008E-commerce at Yunnan Lucky AirBerenguer, Inaki; Shijun, Cai; Liang, Li
Aug-2008E-commerce at Yunnan Lucky AirBerenguer, Inaki; Shijun, Cai; Liang, Li
Oct-2021E-Commerce OM401Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Jan-2024E-Commerce- ReappearJaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Jun-2020An Early View of Post COVID-19 Discretionary Spending in AsiaMcKinsey
May-2009Easy Target ?Krishnamurthi, R.
2021An Eco-wakeningThe Economist
Jun-2023The economic potential of generative AIChui, Michael; Hazan, Eric; Roberts, Roger; Singla, Alex; Smaje, Kate
13-Jun-2020Economic and Political Weekly--Vol. LV Issue 24-June 13, 2020Sameeksha Trust
28-Mar-2020Economic and Political Weekly-Vol LV No 13-March 28, 2020SAMEEKSHA TRUST
4-Apr-2020Economic and Political Weekly-Vol LV No 14-April 4, 2020SAMEEKSHA TRUST
11-Apr-2020Economic and Political Weekly-Vol LV No 15-April 11, 2020SAMEEKSHA TRUST
18-Apr-2020Economic and Political Weekly-Vol LV No 16-April 18, 2020SAMEEKSHA TRUST
25-Apr-2020Economic and Political Weekly-Vol LV No 17-April 25, 2020SAMEEKSHA TRUST