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Showing results 273 to 292 of 2456 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2016Can Inbound Tourism Fuel Japan’s Economic Growth?Andonian, Andre; Ishida, Ryo; Kuwabara, Tasuku; Yamakawa, Naomi
2021Cancer Control in In the Czech RepublicThe Economist
2021Cancer control in the Czech RepublicThe Economist
Jun-2020The Care of OneMckinsey and Company
Feb-2006Career Comes Firstbut at What Cost?Premalatha, P.
Jun-2020Case Analysis I: Sales Promotion Planning @TMLBasu, Anirban
Jun-2020Case Analysis II: Sales Promotion Planning @ TMLDhall, Punyaslok
Jun-2020Case Analysis III: Sales Promotion Planning @TMLArakal, Jeevan J.
Mar-2010The Case for Behavioral StrategyLovallo, Dan; Sibony, Olivier
Feb-2017The Case for Digital ReinventionBughin, Jacques; LaBerge, Laura; Mellbye, Anette
May-2017A case study in combating biasGünther, Bernhard
Sep-2019Catch them if You Can: How Leaders in Data and Analytics Have Pulled AheadMcKinsey
Nov-2016CEMEX: Globalization “The CEMEX Way”Lessard, Donald R.; Reavis, Cate
Sep-2016The CEO Guide to BoardsMcKinsey Quarterly
Sep-2016The CEO Guide to China’s FutureChui, Michael; Manyika, James; Miremadi, Mehdi
Aug-2016THE CEO GUIDE TO CUSTOMER EXPERIENCEMaynes, See Joel; Rawson, Alex
Jul-2020The CEO Moment: Leadership For A New EraMcKinsey
Jan-2023A CEO’s guide to the metaverseHatami, Homayoun; Hazan, Eric; Khan, Hamza; Rants, Kim
2006The CEO’s Role in Leading TransformationAiken, Carolyn B.; Keller, Scott P.
2022Challenges in Creating Egalitarian Logistic Ecosystem: Cases of App-Based Cab Aggregators (ABCAs)Sharma, Rohit