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Showing results 798 to 817 of 2313 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2012The Global Financial Crisis of 2008: The Role of Greed, Fear, and OligarchsReavis , Cate
2017Global ForcesWebb, Allen P.
Apr-2017The Global Forces Inspiring a New Narrative of ProgressGreenberg, Ezra; Hirt, Martin; Smit, Sven
Jul-2020Global Freight Flows After COVID-19: What’s Next?McKinsey
Jan-2015Global Growth: Can Productivity Save the Day in an Aging World?Manyika, James; Woetzel, Jonathan; Dobbs, Richard
2021The Global Liveability Index 2021The Economist Intelligence
Apr-2023Global MarketingJaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
2017Globalization and Opportunities for Investors in Emerging Stock MarketsKumar, Surender
Jan-2019GLOBALIZATION IN TRANSITION: THE FUTURE OF TRADE AND VALUE CHAINSLund, Susan; DC, Washington; Manyika, James; Francisco, San
Jan-2019Globalization in Transition: The Future of Trade and Value ChainsMckinsey Global Institute
Jan-2019Globalization in transition: The future of trade and value chainsLund, Susan; Manyika, James; Woetzel, Jonathan; Bughin, Jacques; Krishnan, Mekala
2021Going digitalThe Economist Intelligence
2021Governance and successionThe Economist Intelligence
Apr-2017Government productivity unlocking the 35 trillion opportunityCorydon, Bjarne; Dobbs, Richard; Fine, David
Apr-2017Government Productivity: Unlocking the $3.5 Trillion OpportunityMcKinsey Center for Government (MCG)
Jul-2020The Great AccelerationMcKinsey
Jun-2020The Great Balancing Act: Managing The Coming $30 Trillion Deficit While Restoring Economic GrowthMcKinsey
Dec-2009Great DivideTripathy, Manas Ranjan
Dec-2022Greater China Consumer & Retail Practice 2023 McKinsey China Consumer ReportZipser, Daniel; Hui, Daniel; Zhou, Jia; Zhang, Cherie
Jul-2015The Greek Drama Takes Another Turn Toward Tragedy … and UncertaintyKnowledge@Wharton