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Showing results 788 to 807 of 2456 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jan-2023Fortune Asia-Vol. 186 Issue 3-December 2022-January 2023Business Media Pvt Ltd.
Nov-2022Fortune USA-Vol. 186 Issue 2-October-November 2022Business Media Pvt Ltd.
Mar-2018Fostering Effective Energy TransitionMcKinsey & Company
Apr-2016The Four Building Blocks of ChangeBasford, Tessa; Schaninger, Bill
Aug-2016The Four Pillars of Distinctive Customer JourneysDias, Joao; Ionutiu, Oana; Lhuer, Xavier; Ouwerkerk, Jasper van
Jul-2020From A Room Called Fear To A Room Called Hope: A Leadership Agenda For Troubled TimesMcKinsey
Dec-2020From no mobility to future mobility: Where COVID-19 has accelerated changeMcKinsey
Feb-2014From poverty to empowerment: India’s imperative for jobs, growth, and effective basic servicesGupta, Rajat; Sankhe, Shirish; Dobbs, Richard; Woetzel, Jonathan; Madgavkar, Anu; Hasyagar, Ashwin
2020From Resistance to Acceptance: Role of Moderating and Mediating Variables in Intention to use Mobile Payment ServicesSrivastava, Shalini; Singh, Nidhi
2018From Resistance to Readiness: Role of Mediating VariablesSrivastava, Shalini
Dec-2015From Survive to Thrive Positioning Independents for Success in North American UnconventionalsQuoyeser, Joe; Brasca, Claudio
May-2020From Thinking About The Next Normal To Making It Work: What To Stop, Start, And AccelerateMcKinsey
Mar-2016From touchpoints to journeys:Maechler, Nicolas; Neher, Kevin; Park, Robert
Oct-2017From ‘why’ to ‘why not’: Sustainable investing as the new normalBernow, Sara; Klempner, Bryce; Magnin, Clarisse
Apr-2019Fueling Utility Innovation Through AnalyticsMcKinsey
Aug-2019Fundamentals of Marketing (Term 1 END Term) 2019-21Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Nov-2020Fundamentals of Marketing MKT101Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
2020Funding In Logistics:New Money For An Old Industry?McKinsey
Apr-2023The future of mobilityHeineke, Kersten; Laverty, Nicholas; Ziegler, Felix; Möller, Timo
Jun-2017The Future (s) of Mobility: How Cities Can BenefitBouton, Shannon; Hannon, Eric; Knupfer, Stefan; Ramkumar, Surya