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Showing results 510 to 529 of 2456 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Demystifying social media usage for insurance-related purchase intentions among senior users in the pandemic periodMisra, Richa; Mahajan, Renuka; Singh, Nidhi
Jun-2024Design Thinking and EntrepreneurshipJaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Dec-2023Design Thinking and EntrepreneurshipJaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Jul-2019Designing An Agile Transformation In Pharma R&DMcKinsey
2020Determinants of Dividend Policy for Banking Sector in India: An Empirical AnalysisDublish, Puneet
2021Determinants of Financial Literacy of Young Adults: Testing the Influence of Parents and Socio-Demographic VariablesSingh, Sonali
2021Determinants of Mobile Bank Usage Among the Bank Users in North IndiaSrivastava, Shalini
2020Determining Factors in the Adoption and Recommendation of Mobile Wallet Services in India: Analysis of the Effect of Innovativeness, Stress to use and Social InfluenceSingh, Nidhi
2020Development of a Framework for Selecting a Sustainable Location of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Recycling Plant in Emerging EconomiesKumar, Ashwani; Wasan, Pratibha
Aug-2006The Devil and the Deep Blue SeaRavi, V
2023Different Strokes for Different Folks: Comparative Analysis of 3D Printing in Large, Medium and Small FirmsDhir, Amandeep
2021Digimentality 2021Arslanian, Henri; McDermott, Mathew
Aug-2018The digital archipelagoDas, Kaushik; Tamhane, Toshan; Vatterott, Ben; Wibowo, Phillia; Wintels, Simon
Aug-2014The Digital Battle that Banks Must WinDenecker, Olivier; Gulati, Sameer; Niederkorn, Marc
2006The Digital ChallengeRogers, Brian
Sep-2009Digital Divide DataMathew, Anju; Rød, Grete; Villalobos, Jaime
Jan-2019Digital Ecosystems For Insurers: Opportunities Through The Internet of ThingsMcKinsey
Oct-2015The Digital Future of Consumer Packaged-Goods CompaniesAlldredge, Kari; Newaskar, Puneet; Ungerman, Kelly
Jul-2017The Digital Future of Work: is the 9-to-5 Job Going the Way of the Dinosaur?Camden, Carl; Kasriel, Stephane; Fleming, Katherine; Farrell, Diana; Chui, Michael; Lund, Susan
Jul-2017The Digital Future of Work: Policy Implications of AutomationSiebel, Tom; Slaughter, Anne-Marie; Wald, Jeff; Zahidi, Saadia; Farrell, Diana; George, Katy; Manyika, James; Chui, Michael