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Showing results 2358 to 2377 of 2456 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Mar-2009Vision or Elusive Dream?Abhishek Kumar; Datta, Goutam
2018Visual Merchandising and Atmospherics (MKTS412)Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
2021Visualising the Prospective Circular Economy Closing the Economic Loop-The Case of IndiaJain, Vranda
Sep-2020Voices on InfrastructureNel, Gerhard; Gerhard, Prakash; Vermeltfoort, Koen
Mar-2019Voices on Infrastructure Achieving Excellence in Real Estate Major ProjectsMckinsey and Company
2018Volatility Spillovers across Major Emerging Stock MarketsKumar, Surender
2016Volatility Spillovers between Foreign Exchange Markets of India and ChinaKumar, Surender; Dublish, Puneet
2005Waiting for a SaviourSinghal, Arvind
Jul-2015Want to Become Agile? Learn from Your IT TeamWillmott, Paul
Apr-2020War games? Here’s what they’re good forCourtney, Hugh; Koller, Tim; Lovallo, Dan
Jul-2023War in Ukraine: Twelve disruptions changing the world— updateWhite, Olivia; Buehler, kevin; Smit, Sven; Greenberg, Ezra R
Jun-2020The War on The CoronavirusMcKinsey
Mar-2015“We Are Market Basket”Ton, Zeynep; Kochan, Thomas A.; Reavis, Cate
Feb-2012Weak Link in the ChainKrishnan, Sandeep
Jan-2022Wealth ManagementJaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Feb-2023Wealth Management (Set-1)Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Feb-2023Wealth Management (Set-2)Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Jan-2021Wealth Management FIN503Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Jan-2022Wealth Management ReappearJaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Jan-2024Wealth Management Set-1Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida