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Showing results 2163 to 2182 of 2456 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Dec-2019Stronger For Longer: How Top Performers Thrive Through DownturnsMcKinsey
2017Students’ Perceptions of the Value Addition of Management Education and its Enablers and BarriersMisra, Richa
2018Study of Asymmetric Volatilities in Stock Markets of India and ChinaKumar, Surender; Dublish, Puneet
Oct-2024Study of Distribution Network and Channel Partnerships at Parle Products Pvt LtdHimanshu Kumar-JN23PGA017
2018Study of Economic Performance of India due to Trade with SAARC CountriesJain, Vranda; Kumar, Surender
2020A Study of Emerging Paradigm in Cultural Integrations in Mergers and AcquisitionsSingh, Rahul
2017Study of ICT and Tourism Led Growth in India and ThailandKumar, Surender; Sharma, Durgansh
2021A Study on Organisational Image, Indirect Compensation and Job Satisfaction in Indian IT IndustrySingh, Sonali; Misra, Richa
2021A Study on the Relationship of Abusive Supervision and Fear Based Silence in India the Mediating Role of Dimensions of Emotional IntelligenceSrivastava, Shalini
2020A Study on Trade Intensity between Central Asian Countries and IndiaGugnani, Ritika
2017A Study on Web Application Security and Detecting Security VulnerabilitiesMahajan, Renuka
Oct-2016Style That’s Sustainable: A New Fast-Fashion FormulaRemy, Nathalie; Speelman, Eveline; Swartz, Steven
2007SunPower: Focused on the Future of Solar PowerHenderson, Rebecca M.; Conkling, Joel; Roberts, Scott
Oct-2018SuperstarsManyika, James; Ramaswamy, Sree; Bughin, Jacques; Woetzel, Jonathan; Birshan, Michael
Sep-2024Supply Chain AnalyticsJaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Apr-2023Supply Chain Analytics (SCA) QP Set-1Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Apr-2023Supply Chain Analytics (SCA) QP Set-2Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Nov-2022Supply Chain ManagementJaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Oct-2023Supply Chain ManagementJaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Sep-2024Supply Chain ManagementJaipuria Institute of Management, Noida