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Showing results 1928 to 1947 of 2456 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Jul-2014Robin Chase, Zipcar, and an Inconvenient DiscoveryAncona, Deborah; Reavis, Cate
Jul-2014Robin Chase, Zipcar, and an Inconvenient DiscoveryDeborah, Ancona; Cate, Reavis
2021Rojiroti: Innovative Microfinance in IndiaSrivastava, Vinita
Feb-2022The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Supply Chain Management: Mapping the TerritorySharma, Rohit
2019Role of Brand Affinity Experience and Satisfaction in Building Brand Equity: An Empirical Investigation of Indian Retail Banking IndustrySharma, Rajesh; Dublish, Puneet
2021The role of covid-19 testing, data and informatics in getting back to normalThe Economist Intelligence
2022The Role of Digital Technologies to Unleash A Green Recovery: Pathways and Pitfalls to Achieve the European Green DealSharma, Rohit; Jain, Vranda
2022The Role of Digital Technologies to Unleash a Green Recovery: Pathways and Pitfalls to Achieve the European Green DealSharma, Rohit
2017Role of ICT And Tourism in Economic Growth of IndiaKumar, Surender
2019The Role of Moderators in Linking Job Crafting to Organizational Citizenship Behaviour: A Study on the Indian Hospitality SectorSrivastava, Shalini
2018Role of Solar Energy and issues in its Implementation in Indian ContextSingh, Sonali
Nov-2016The Role of the Transformation OfficeChauviere, Kurt; Maritz, Ben; Halder, Jasper van
Jan-2011Role ReversalsMohanty, Lipsa
Mar-2017Rome Redux: New Priorities for the European Union at 60Bughin, Jacques; Labaye, Eric; Windhagen, Eckart
Aug-2017The Roots of Organic GrowthAhuja, Kabir; Segel, Liz Hilton; Perrey, Jesko
Dec-2014Running Your Company at Two SpeedsBossert, Oliver; Laartz, Jürgen; Ramsøy, Tor Jakob
2018Rural Consumer Behaviour (MKTM415)Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
2018Rural Ecosystem (MKTM414)Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Mar-2019Rural ManagementJaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Mar-2019Rural MarketingJaipuria Institute of Management, Noida