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Showing results 1699 to 1718 of 2454 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Performance Analysis of Top Management Institutes of IndiaKumar, Surender; Jain, Vranda; Singh, Sonali
2004Performance Appraisal and Development Renovate Rother Homes Management: Top Team Transformed into a more Enthusiastic and Cohesive GroupEmerald Group Publishing
2016Performance Management System (HR402)Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
2016Performance Management System (HR402)Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
2016Performance Management System (HR402)Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
2018Performance Management System (HR405)Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
Oct-2020Performance Management System HR402Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
2004Perils of a Big BrotherSundeep Kumar
Sep-2024Personal FinanceJaipuria Institute of Management, Noida
2022Personality and Travel Intentions During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) ApproachSrivastava, Shalini; Dhir, Amandeep
2017Personality Traits and Organisational Commitment of Gen X and Gen Y EmployeesAgrawal, Swati
Jul-2017Perspectives on the Future of Space ExplorationOwens, Allie; Singh, Navjot
2016Playing Catch-up in Advanced AnalyticsBenavides, Luis; Khanam, Rehana; Lefort, Frederic
Sep-2015Playing to Win: The New Global Competition for Corporate ProfitsDobbs, Richard; Koller, Tim; Ramaswamy, Sree
Feb-2009A Pledge to ProfessionalizeChakraborty, Swaralipi Saha
Jul-2020A Post COVID-19 Commercial Recovery Strategy for B2B CompaniesMcKinsey
Jun-2020The Post-COVID-19 Pricing Imperative For P&C InsurersMcKinsey
Feb-2021The postpandemic economyLund, Susan; Madgavkar, Anu; Manyika, James; Smit, Sven; Ellingrud, Kweilin; Meaney, Mary; Robinson, Olivia
Jun-2020Power and People: How Utilities Can Adapt to The Next NormalMcKinsey
Sep-2015The power of parityWoetzel, Jonathan; Madgavkar, Anu; Ellingrud, Kweilin